Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Regarding fast food restaurant table reservations...

I've been called a bitch so many times in the last 10 years that I now fully accept it as truth. When appropriate, this can be a very helpful trait. I can successfully negotiate leases with sexist Israeli men who hate that the final answer comes from a woman and stand up for my children in the Principal's office. There is still an ounce of me, however, that fears confrontation with strangers. I'm aware that this doesn't really fit my personality, but hey, sometimes I like to keep to myself.

Daniel, Queenie, Andrew and I were in Chipotle this past Saturday for lunch. We waited in line for twenty minutes, disappointed because it usually goes much faster. On occasion, I glanced at the dining area and saw that it was also absolutely packed. I was concerned that we wouldn't have somewhere to sit when we came out of line. Once we had paid for our burritos and tacos ($1.78 for guacamole!) and walked out into the restaurant we saw one empty table with four seats - perfect! As we got closer, though, we realized that someone had slung their green LLBean puff jacket and fancy sunglasses in one of the seats at this table. This made me uncomfortable, as it was clear someone wanted to sit here. As my husband quickly pointed out to me, you can't really reserve seats in fast food restaurants - that makes you an asshole. We sat down in the three empty chairs, pulled up a high chair for Queenie, and began eating.

Not two minutes later a woman approached us to say "I'm sorry, these are my things."
To which Daniel responded, "Oh, I had no idea who's they were. Somebody just dumped them here."
Her face twisted in frustration, "I was holding this seat."
Daniel: "This is a fast food restaurant. We came out of line before you and needed somewhere to sit. You can't just dump your stuff here and claim it as your own. How was I to know where in line you were?"
Angry Lady: "This is so disappointing."
Daniel: "No, it was terribly rude of you to deprive people of this table for up to 20 minutes! Who do you think you ARE!"

At this point she walked toward her friend and loudly called "We don't have a table anymore!" I was sufficiently embarrassed, but believed that my husband had a point and that this would be the end of it. Wrong. The next table to clear for them was the one right next to us! Yikes! When they sat down, Daniel continued to explain to me, for their benefit I'm sure, that "see, that table became available just as they needed it. That's how it works in places like this. Should I have stood around for 10 minutes with my children and my food because they are that ignorant?" That's my husband for you, correcting social injustices one small reserved fast food restaurant table at a time. I had a hard time eating. Which, when dealing with Mexican food, is unusual for me...

In retrospect, I'm still embarrassed. But I'm also very angry with that woman for her behavior. The more I think about it, the more I wish I would have spoken up, too. But then again, my husband proved he's bitchy enough for both of us :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

25 Ridiculous Details

I've been inspired to resume my blogging by my bff Kelley's challenge to write 25 interesting things about herself. So I'm going to take on the challenge as well, because what an awesome way to start over!

1. I constantly daydream about living in a little Tudor-style cottage in the woods and throwing away 80% of our belongings to live more simply.

2. When "Hook" came out I had a crush on Ruffio. When I see the film as an adult, it makes me feel like a perv for thinking such a young child was in any way attractive.

3. Aladdin is easily the hottest male lead in an animated Disney movie.

4. I have a completely irrational fear of slugs. Not dislike, but actual heart-gripping terrifying fear. Complete with nightmares. (Even typing about this makes me feel queasy.)

5. The idea of a plain white t shirt with a pair of worn in jeans sounds really sexy to me, but reality constantly disappoints.

6. I feel embarrassed that I did not finish college and realize my academic potential. I'm certain people underestimate my awesomeness based on this.

7. My inner-Catholic makes me feel guilty for being so disenchanted with religion. Sometimes I envy my mother's unwavering faith.

8. I never thought I would develop such a love and respect for my dad as I have in the last three years. He really has some enviable traits, even for a cowboy...

9. I hope that my children will question authority.

10. When I was in the third grade I was a pathological liar. I made up numerous stories about adventures I'd never experienced and creative inventions I owned that I really did not. Like how I had a life-time supply of Combos shipped to me from Florida, and how I had a toaster for leg warmers that would change their color... Yeesh.

11. Tacos satisfy my soul and remind me that life can be easy.

12. I thought I was the only person in the world who typed on an imaginary keyboard when in conversation until I discovered Kelley shared this bad habit. Most of the time, I can type faster than people speak.

13. I'm obsessed with my handwriting and what it says about me. I will throw away entire pieces of paper that just say "Daniel," because it doesn't seem just right.

14. I still say "eat an umbrella" to myself every time I have to spell beautiful.

15. To me, America personified is a fat lady driving her SUV to walmart and not using turn signals.

16. Driver's failing to merge properly make me so irate that I envision slapping them in the face and calling them really really bad names.

17. My husband and I would love nothing more to run a bed and breakfast of our own. While our children frolic in the sunshine and pick fresh strawberries.

18. When people are cruel or mean-spirited towards my children it breaks my heart for a really long time. Maybe in a little way, permanently.

19. One of my best childhood friends was picked up for prostitution and cocaine possession in Atlanta during a sweep and I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around what this means to me.

20. I feel a secret competition with my sisters and I'm pretty sure they feel it to. I love them unconditionally, but their success sometimes makes me jealous. I would never admit this to them, because it's pretty damn petty.

21. I hope Queenie wants to cheerlead so I can relive the excitement vicariously through her.

22. I suspect that other mothers think I'm young and stupid, especially in situations like Andrew's soccer games. And like when I forget to pack him a juice box and a snack so I promise if he'll just hang in there we will take him to IHOP.

23. Daniel wants four children and this kind of scares me. Not because of the chaos and schedules and insanity that is sure to ensue, but because: will they get enough individualized attention from us? Or will they be a mob that we handle as such?

24. It really hurt my feelings when I found out my coworkers at my last job weren't actually my friends.

25. My values and priorities are out of line with my career and lifestyle. I'm working on the courage to find something more meaningful to do. Making money for David Simon is not that something. (My "Dammit growth is not inevitable bumper sticker is really out of place in the mall parking lot...)

So, wow. More than you ever wanted to know...